Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bumbo, not Dumbo...

This is our new 4'x8' rug. As you can see, we have one of the world's largest house cats living with us. Okay, the rug isn't that big. But, Toulouse still took up the whole thing - immediately after we put it there.

This Maryn sitting in her 'Bumbo.' That's what the chair is called, to which Mommy's first response was, "I want a Bumbo!"

And this is whatever I do when Mommy asks me to do something. Shameful exploitation of Maryn, but it has a very high success rate!

Favorite pasttimes...

This is how I like to spend my Sunday afternoon's. Maryn seems to be enjoying herself, too.

Doing what we do best on a lazy, summer afternoon - sleeping! Maryn lives the good life!

Mommy is giving Maryn a bath - one of Maryn's favorite pasttimes!

Blue Steel...

I really couldn't decide which picture was better of these three, so I leave it up to you. This her 'Blue Steel' look.

This is her 'Ferrari' look.

This is 'La Tigre' She can't even talk about her 'Magnum' look as it's not yet perfected. And, if you've seen the movie 'Zoolander' this post will be funnier to you.