Sunday, April 20, 2008

Finally home!!!!

We're finally home!!! Maryn and Marisa are finally home!! Now they can both get some deserved peaceful, quiet rest! Here are some pics of her, if you're like us, you can't get enough. Thanks again to everyone who sent us thoughtful emails, v-mails, flowers, and gifts!

This is Maryn's first bath at the Salem NICU.

Popeye! She just had her gavage removed. That's a feeding tube if you ever want to use that word in Scrabble. I love this picture!

Almost ready to go home...

Maryn finally gets to wear her own clothes, very fashionable if you can't tell, and get some sleep at home.

Maryn's first nap at home!


The Edelbrocks said...

She is perfect!

MissE said...

Darin, in that Popeye picture Maryn looks JUST like you! She already has your facial expressions! So cute!