Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Game of Horseshoes...

That's right, the Oregonians beat the Texans at horseshoes! Vegas had us underdogs at 12:1. Capturing the winning moment!

Maryn served as coach throughout most of the family Olympics, but earned MVP honors during volleyball and the skit - where she played the part of all four of the sisters, displaying an Oscar-worthy performance portraying such a range of characters.

Matching dresses with the cousins...aren't they precious!

Will I ever be that tall?

Mama and Daddy goofing off in the Rockies - which made us miss Oregon. But, it was great to spend time with the entire family!

Mile High...

Mama and Daddy took advantage of having grandparents around and escaped for a horse ride in the mountains with the cousins.

Maryn loved seeing her cousins (aka - her Ninja Turtles, as they call themselves) for some quality playing time.

Check out my fancy new dress! Thanks to Auntie Tricia!

Mama and Auntie Gina at the stables before riding up the mountain.

Messin' around

Look how much she has grown...she has a huge head!

Finger painting in the backyard...with her face.

This is at Downtown Disney, Maryn loved the Lego dogs and kept giving the bulldog a hug. I think she's trying to tell us something.

Having fun with Mama, who takes a lot of pictures. Daddy just needs to upload them all!