Again, this is in November, when the Beavs beat Cal on a beautiful, sunny day in Corvallis! These are taken by guest photographer Auntie Jill.

Hangin' with Grandpa in the club level. She's ready to coach, "hand it off to number 1" was her plan.

This is the Maryn's assistant coaching staff during games. They helped Maryn learn to clap her hands at such a young age. Of course, the Rodgers brothers gave her a lot to clap about!

Hooray, Auntie Jill made it to a game! And, made it in the pictures, since it was her camera doing all the work.
Notice Maryn's Jr. Fire Fighter badge. Of course Grammy LOVES when they firemen come around.

Auntie Kate is a good gameday partner too! Always looking out for the girls!

A look of focus and determination, she's ready!