Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Ties...

Our cat took this picture...pretty good considering he doesn't have any thumbs!

Maryn's first visit, though probably not last, to PF Changs. She wanted some food, so we gave her some spicy chicken. Kidding!

I don't know what she's looking at, but it cracks me up! Cute pic...but, aren't they all?

Playing with Grammie Kay! But, taking the time to turn to the camera of course.

First day...

This was from Maryn's first day of daycare. We really like her daycare, but that doesn't make it easy on us. Though she's clearly excited!

Mom is smiling here, but it was a different story dropping her off at daycare. Despite the water works mom did very well!

After daycare Maryn gets to enjoy one of her favorite activites...bathtime! More pics further down the post. Is it me or does she look like the God Father right here?

To coincide with a favorite activity is another favorite, eating. And, snuggling with mom. It's pretty much a perfect end to a day for her.!

Touchdown Beavers!!!!! Daddy has the same reaction...

There's really nothing to say about this picture that it doesn't say itself.

Maryn is talking here. Mostly she just says 'Coo.' We figure that means 'Hi' at this point.

Mom put a bow in her hair. While it's adorable, many years from now when she views this picture she will probably be upset about the bow.

Who stole my clothes?!

Here are some pics of Maryn after bath time. Here she is with mom thinking 'Where did that camera come from?! Me without a stitch of makeup...or clothes!"

Always good to get some food after a bath. Sometimes she even keeps some of it in her mouth.

Here she's going for the 45 year old man receding hairline look. Hair is still a little wet.

A little quality nap time with mom...also working on her Spider-Man impression.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More fam time...

See the link below. I put that post on first, it explains what's going on here! Trystan is discussing how big his hands are going to get. You can see how cool the play-yard is. Though, I'm concerned about the giraffe. He has a rainbow shooting out of his head!

Grammie Kay got a Maryn a new hat too.

Hangin with Grammie Kay

Maryn spent time at Grammie's. It was a sunny day, spent playing outside!

Grammie Kay got her a new play-yard!

It has lights, animals, noise makers, a mirror, plays music - it's basically like a disco party in the jungle.

Maryn seems to be really discovering her hands and sense of touch lately. She's holding Grammie Kay's hand. Maryn took a nice summer time nap outside in her new disco jungle.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day & three posts...

Sorry, it's been a couple of weeks since we posted anything new, had Guard duty last weekend. Maryn has been bragging because her dad did more push ups than anyone else in the squadron. Or, maybe just her dad is bragging. And, he's probably a little sore.

Pretty girl...

Somewhat upset girl, probably brewing up a present in her diapers...

Happy girl! Fed, clean, playtime...what more could a girl want? I'll be sure to remind her that for many years to come!

Dad got a Wii for father's day! What a giving daughter! She made mom drive to Tualatin just to get it. Thanks Maryn (and mom)! He also took this opportunity to put Maryn in the Baby Bjorn for the first time. That made mom laugh, it made dad bowl poorly, and Maryn was not too sure about any of it!

Photo shop...

Here's a few good pics of the things Maryn has to put up with. She's enjoying a little tummy time with Papa Lauran. They have the same hairline, though I think they're going in the opposite direction...

Maryn is a big U2 fan, lead singer Bono gave these to her.

Sometimes mom takes really, really close up pictures!

Playtime is a lot of fun! Maryn is discovering new things every day, such as her hands, holding onto things, she likes the songs mom sings to her...of course mom likes it when Maryn smiles at her.

Bath Time!

Maryn loves bath time! She just hangs out in her little tub, happy as can be!

She likes it so much, this is her emotion after getting out!

She gets to snuggle with mom in her warm towel and's a good life!

Little drool as she hangs out with mom.